A Strategic HR Executive with a track record of helping organizations move people strategy from the boardroom to the marketplace.

Human Resources professional with proven ability to develop forward thinking culture, attract and retain great people while excelling in the delivery of people strategies. A change agent who successfully supported rapid growth, turnaround, organizational excellence programs (EFQM Model) and right-sizing initiatives. Helping organizations to understand and actively manage their headcount, employee productivity and total cost of the workforce (TCOW) by making the most out of Organizational Design, Workforce Analytics and Strategic Workforce Planning.

In the past Paul worked extensively in the emerging markets of Europe and The Middle East for large public and private companies (du – Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Co, Gazprom NEFT NIS, Norconsult and Global Medical Solutions, an EIAG Company, Sadara Chemical Company and more recently with Mercer). Prior to this, during his career in Canada he worked with ORIS Creative Solutions, an HR BPO company supporting many organizations on the Fortune’s list “100 Best Companies to Work for in America”.

Currently, Paul is Organizational Effectiveness Advisor working at Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation in Abu Dhabi. He is serving as an advisor to executive management and guiding leaders and their teams to make sound choices about the design of their organizations and effective management of workforce through strategic planning.